International Conference on
Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering (TCCE-2019)
(28-30 November 2019)
Central University of Haryana
in association with
International Institute of Invincible Rhythm (IIoIR), Shimla
welcome to the International Conference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering (TCCE 2019) to be held in the School of Engineering & Technology (SoET) and Department of Mathematics under School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SoPM) of Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh, India during November 28-30, 2019.
About TCCE-2019
TCCE focuses on experimental, theoretical and application aspects of innovations in Computational and Cognitive Engineering. The Conference aims to provide an opportunity to gather the researchers, scholars and experts from academia and industry working in the following areas of basic and applied sciences, engineering and technology to share their research findings.
- Cognitive Science: Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
- Computational Neuroscience
- Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing
- Signal Processing
- Fluid Dynamics: CFD, Nanofluid Mechanics
- Cryptography: Image Processing, Coding Theory
- Modelling and Numerical Simulation: Mathematical Biology, Green Computing
- Optimization: Theory and Applications
- Advanced Numerical Techniques
- Stochastic Methods
- Information Retrieval and Applications.
Objectives of the Conference
With increasing complex situations being modelled to find reasonable answers, role of computations and cognitive learning is becoming very important. The objective of the conference is to narrow down the gaps by bringing practitioners and scientists together; so as to focus on the recent trends in computational and cognitive engineering. The conference will further help:
- To provide a forum for exchange of ideas and insights by mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and researchers.
- To share fresh perspective on problem-solving in current research areas.
- To present various computational and cognitive modelling approaches in the areas of health, education, finance, environment, engineering, commerce and industry.
- To promote networking opportunities among experts in various disciplines and encourage inter-disciplinary research.
About the Orgainzer
Central University of Haryana (CUH) is one of the newly set up Central Universities founded by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India under the Central University Act 2009 of the parliament. This university is spread over the area of almost 500 acres in the lap of Aravalis at Jant-Pali Villages, Mahendergarh, Haryana. The University has been awarded Grade "A" by NAAC. At present, the University has 56 programmes running in 30 functional departments under 11 Schools. It continuously nurtures an ambition for excellence in a focused and responsible manner by embracing global best practices and championing the highest ethical standards. The USP of CUH is its diverse, dynamic and interactive academic community actively engaged in research and creating new knowledge to empower students to learn, innovate and explore new avenues of excellence.
The School of Engineering & Technology was established in the year 2016 which offers Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in four disciplines viz. Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Printing & Packaging Technology. One of the major strengths of the School is the inter-disciplinary research carried out by the faculty members with other Schools/Departments.
The Department of Mathematics under the School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes in Mathematics. The department is actively engaged in research topics in pure and applied mathematics.
Prof. R C Kuhad
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Central University of Haryana
Advisory Committee

Dr. Chi-Sang Poon
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Dr. Anirban Bandyopadhyay
National Institue for Materials Science, Japan

Prof. Qin Zhou
Wuhan Donghu University, China

Prof. Kalpdrum Passi
Laurentian university, Canada

Prof. Sanjay Madria
Missouri University of S&T, USA

Prof. Ali Al-Fayadh
Al-Nahrain University, Iraq

Prof. Seithuti Moshokoa
Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Prof. Anjan Biswas
Alabama A&M University, USA

Prof. Itamar Procaccia
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Prof. Mehmet Ekici
Bozok University, Turkey
National Advisory Committee

Prof. Kehar Singh
(Rtd.) IIT Delhi

Prof. V D Sharma
IIT Bombay

Prof. Sanjay Puri
JNU Delhi

Prof. Prabha Sharma
(Rtd.) IIT Kanpur

Prof. Karmeshu
JNU, Delhi

Prof. S K Tomar
Punjab University, Chandigarh

Prof. A K Yadav
Amity University, Gurugram

Prof. Karanjeet Singh
JUIT, Waknaghat

Prof. Kuldeep Bansal
GJU Sci & Tech, Haryana

Prof. P G Siddheshwar
Banglore University
Prof. R K Mohanty
SAU, Delhi

Prof. N K Nischal
IIT Patna

Prof. Deepa Sinha
SAU, Delhi

Prof. Nasib Singh Gill
MDU, Rohtak

Prof. Kanad Ray
Amity University, Jaipur

Prof. Vinod Katiyar
IIT Roorkee

Prof. Vipul Rastogi
IIT Roorkee

Prof. A K Vashishth
Kurukshetra University

Prof. Ashwani Sharma
Kaziranga University, Assam

Prof. M R Maurya
IIT Roorkee

Prof. R K Sinha
CSIO, Chandigarh

Prof. M C Joshi
KU, Nainital

Prof. Naseem Ahmed
IIT Roorkee

Prof. Ajeet Kumar
DTU, Delhi

Prof. C N Ramachandran
IIT Roorkee

Prof. Yogita Kalra
DTU, Delhi

Dr. Ashok Jangid
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra

Prof. Santosh Kumar
College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Tanzania

Prof. Deepak Garg
Bennett University, Greater Noida

Dr. Sunil Singla
Thapar University, Patiala
Technical Committee

Dr. Vikash Garg

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dubey

Dr. Kalpana Chauhan

Dr. Varun Kundi
UNSW Sydney, Australia

Dr. Manoj Kumar
McMaster University, Canada
Steering Committee

Dr. Anirban-Bandyopadhyay
National Institute For
Materials Science, Japan

Dr. Kanad Ray
Amity University, Jaipur

Dr. J E Lugo
University of Montreal, Canada

Dr. Subrata Ghosh
CSIR Northeast Institute of
Science & Technology, Jorhat

Dr. Chi-Sang Poon

Dr. Jocelyn Faubert
University of Montreal,

Dr. Phool Singh
Central University of Haryana

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta
Central University of Haryana
General Chair

Dr. Ajay Kumar Bansal
(Dean) SoET, CUH

Dr. Nawal Kishore
(Dean) SoPM, CUH
Administrative Committee

Dr. Sumit Kumar

Dr. Sharanjeet Dhawan

Dr. Babita

Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Dubey

Dr. Manish

Dr. Arun Kajla
Dr. Rekha Garg

Dr. Garima Tomar

Dr. Devendra Kumar

Dr. Kapil Kumar

Er. Nalin Chaudhary

Er. Rajesh Saini

Er. Eakta

Er. Sangeeta

Er. Tarun Saini

Dr. Poonam Gupta

Er. Deepak Rana

Er. Ayush Vashisth

Dr. Munish Manas

Er. Shammi Mehra

Dr. Anoop Yadav

Dr. Manoj Dubey
Call for Papers
The original and unpublished abstracts and research papers should be submitted. Each paper should have 10 pages and additional pages will be charged. Manuscript should be prepared in Springer Nature format using Springer Nature format using Word or Latex templates. These templates and guidelines can be found on publisher's homepage. All papers will be submitted via Easy-chair at
Special Sessions
Session 01: Computations in Optronics Image Processing
- 4F Systems
- Integral Transforms
- Fractional Order of Integral Transform
- Phase Retrieval Algorithms
- Chaotic Transforms
- Steganography
- Random and Structured Phase Masks
- Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptosystems
Session 02: New Frontiers in Chemical Sciences
- Computational Chemistry
- Organic Synthesis
- Bioorganic Chemistry
- Polymer Science
- Analytical Chemistry
- Green Chemistry
- Nanotechnology
- Computational Methods in Drug Design
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Material Chemistry
- Organometallic Chemistry
- Corrosion Science
- Agricultural & Soil Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
Session 03: Photonics and Physics of Complex Systems
- Computational Physics
- Granular Materials
- Nano Photonics
- Integrated Circuit
- Front Propagation
- Soft Condensed Matter Physics
- Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Glasses
- Avalanches
- Bio Photonics
- Organic Photonics
- Lasers
- Phase Transitions
- Interface Motion
Session 04: New Developments in Theoretical and Applied Statistics
- Statistical Inference
- Data Mining
- Design of Experiments
- Distribution Theory
- Mathematical Modelling
- Multivariate Statistics
- Sampling Theory
- Survival Analysis and Epidemiology
- Statistical Reliability
- Non-parametric Statistics
- Population Studies & Demography
- Stochastic Modelling
- Probability Theory
- Time Series and Forecasting
1. All accepted, registered and presented papers fulfilling the specification of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Springer will be published in AISC, Springer. It is SCOPUS indexed and in the UGC approved list of journals.
2. An extended and modified version of some selected papers will be published as book chapters in Studies in Rhythm Engineering, Springer.
Conference Program
#Registration is compulsory for all participants. At least, one author (per paper) has to register for the conference.
Early Bird Registration {Before 30 September 2019}
Category | National | International |
Students | Rs.3000 | $100 |
Academicians | Rs.5000 | $200 |
Others | Rs.7000 | $300 |
Extended Registration {Upto 30 October 2019}
Category | National | International |
Students | Rs.4000 | $150 |
Academicians | Rs.6000 | $300 |
Others | Rs.8000 | $400 |
On the Spot Registration
Category | National | International |
Students | Rs.5000 | $200 |
Academicians | Rs.7000 | $400 |
Others | Rs.10000 | $500 |
Sponsorship and Exhibition
Major Sponsors:
- Central University of Haryana, Jant- Pali Mahendergarh - 123031
- Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
- Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
A number of software developing companies, engineering tools manufacturer, chemical, glasswares, analytical equipment and others, whosoever is interested are invited to sponsor the conference and take the opportunity to showcase their products to the delegates and participants. Sponsors will get exposure & promotional benefits including trade opportunities with the participants from various parts of India & abroad. For Sponsorship or any other information, please contact organizing secretary of the conference. Conference Souvenir will be published which will include company profile as well. Companies can opt for sponsorship as per the following details:
- Diamond Sponsor (Rs. 1,00,000 and above) :- Front inside Full page advertisement in Souvenir.
- Platinum Sponsor (Rs. 50,000 and above) :- Back page of Souvenir.
- Gold Sponsor (Rs. 30,000 and above) :- Front inside half page of Souvenir.
- Silver Sponsor (Rs. 15,000 and above) :- ¼ Page in the Souvenir.
- Advertisement in Souvenir (Upto Rs. 15,000) :- Advertisement in Souvenir.
NOTE:- In addition, the advertisement of the companies sponsoring the programme can make their advertisement through Banners and Posters at the conference area.
Improtant Dates
Paper Submission | Acceptance Notification | Camera-Ready Submission |
30 July 2019 | 30 August 2019 | 30 September 2019 |
Paid accommodation will be arranged for the registered outstation participants on a first come first serve basis, on request.
Mode of Payment
The registration fee can be deposited/transferred online through RTGS/NEFT/Net Banking. The details for online transfer are as follows:
IFSC Code: PUNB0782400
MICR Code: 123024106
Account Number: 7824000100026585
Account Holder: Central University of Haryana, Jant-Pali, Mahendergarh
Address: Central University of Haryana, Village- Jant-Pali, District- Mahendergarh, State- Haryana, India- 123029