I | Governing the Grant of status of Recognized Institutions | |
II (Old) | Award of degree of Master of Philosophy/Doctor of philosophy | |
II | Degree of Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) | |
II (A) | Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) | |
III | Powers and duties of the Dean of the School of Studies | |
IV (A) | Qualifications for appointment to the teaching and other posts | |
IV (B) | Career Advancement Scheme (CAS)-2010 | |
IV (C) | Selection Committee Procedure | |
V | Conditions of service of appointed teachers of the University | |
V (A) | Terms and Conditions of Services of the permanent employees, other than teachers | |
V (B) | Appointing and Disciplinary Authorities | |
VI | Emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of Pro Vice Chancellor | |
VII | Emoluments, terms & conditions of service, functions and responsibility of the Registrar | |
VIII | Functions and Responsibilities of the Dean Students Welfare (DSW) | |
IX | Appointments made under Statute 19(2) | |
X | Empanelment of Adjunct Faculty and appointment of Consultants | |
XI | Constitution of the Board of Studies and terms of office of its members | |
XII | The School Board | |
XIII | The Head of the Department | |
XIV | Leave Rules for Teaching Staff | |
XV | Programmes leading to the award of Post Graduate degrees / diplomas (Revised) | |
XV (A) | General Rules for Examinations | |
XV (B) | Disorderly conduct and use of unfair means in examinations | |
XV (C) | Withholding Conferment of any Degree/
Diploma or Award of any Certificate
| |
XVI | Medium of Instructions and Examinations | |
XVII | Assignment of Departments to the Schools | |
XVIII | Manner of appointment and emoluments of employees other than teachers and other academic staff | |
XIX | Sensitization, Prevention and Redressal of sexual harassment | |
XIX (A) | Prohibition and Punishment for Ragging | |
XX | Convocation | |
XXI | Qualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of Vice-Chancellor | |
XXII | Qualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Finance Officer | |
XXIII | Qualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Controller of Examinations | |
XXIV | Qualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Librarian | |
XXV | Appointment, Honorarium, Powers and Functions of Proctor | |
XXVI | Machinery for Redressal of Grievances of Employees & Students | |
XXVII | Qualifications, Appointment, Honorarium and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Visiting Professors | |
XXVIII | Qualifications, Appointments, Honorarium and other Terms and Conditions for Visiting Fellow | |
XXIX | Programmes Leading to The Award of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Degree | |
XXX | Programme Leading to The Award of The Certificate/ Diploma/ Advanced Diploma/Degree of Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) | |
XXXI | Qualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Academic Consultant/Academic Advisor | |
XXXII | Programmes leading to the Award of the Bachelor of Laws (3-Year) Professional Degree | |
XXXIII | Programmes leading to the Award of the Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) Degree | |
II (A) | Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - Amended in 59th EC | |