• Central Universities Act , 2009
    Sr No. Particulars File
    Statute 10 Statute relating to the constitution of Court and the term of office of its members
    Statute 11 Statute relating to the constitution of the Executive Council and the term of office of its members
    Statute 13 Statute relating to the constitution of the Academic Council and the term of office of its members
    Statute 15(1) Schools of Studies and Departments
  • Ordinances of the University
  • Notification: The Gazette of India w.e.f 22 NOV 2016 (HINDI)
    Notification: The Gazette of India w.e.f 22 NOV 2016 (ENGLISH)
    Ordinance No. Ordinance File
    IGoverning the Grant of status of Recognized Institutions
    II (Old)Award of degree of Master of Philosophy/Doctor of philosophy
    IIDegree of Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.)
    II (A)Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
    IIIPowers and duties of the Dean of the School of Studies
    IV (A)Qualifications for appointment to the teaching and other posts
    IV (B)Career Advancement Scheme (CAS)-2010
    IV (C)Selection Committee Procedure
    VConditions of service of appointed teachers of the University
    V (A)Terms and Conditions of Services of the permanent employees, other than teachers
    V (B)Appointing and Disciplinary Authorities
    VIEmoluments and other terms and conditions of service of Pro Vice Chancellor
    VIIEmoluments, terms & conditions of service, functions and responsibility of the Registrar
    VIIIFunctions and Responsibilities of the Dean Students Welfare (DSW)
    IXAppointments made under Statute 19(2)
    XEmpanelment of Adjunct Faculty and appointment of Consultants
    XIConstitution of the Board of Studies and terms of office of its members
    XIIThe School Board
    XIIIThe Head of the Department
    XIVLeave Rules for Teaching Staff
    XVProgrammes leading to the award of Post Graduate degrees / diplomas (Revised)
    XV (A)General Rules for Examinations
    XV (B)Disorderly conduct and use of unfair means in examinations
    XV (C)Withholding Conferment of any Degree/ Diploma or Award of any Certificate
    XVIMedium of Instructions and Examinations
    XVIIAssignment of Departments to the Schools
    XVIIIManner of appointment and emoluments of employees other than teachers and other academic staff
    XIXSensitization, Prevention and Redressal of sexual harassment
    XIX (A)Prohibition and Punishment for Ragging
    XXIQualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of Vice-Chancellor
    XXIIQualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Finance Officer
    XXIIIQualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Controller of Examinations
    XXIVQualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Librarian
    XXVAppointment, Honorarium, Powers and Functions of Proctor
    XXVIMachinery for Redressal of Grievances of Employees & Students
    XXVIIQualifications, Appointment, Honorarium and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Visiting Professors
    XXVIIIQualifications, Appointments, Honorarium and other Terms and Conditions for Visiting Fellow
    XXIXProgrammes Leading to The Award of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Degree
    XXXProgramme Leading to The Award of The Certificate/ Diploma/ Advanced Diploma/Degree of Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.)
    XXXIQualifications, Appointment, Emoluments, Terms and Conditions of Service of the Academic Consultant/Academic Advisor
    XXXIIProgrammes leading to the Award of the Bachelor of Laws (3-Year) Professional Degree
    XXXIIIProgrammes leading to the Award of the Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) Degree
    II (A)Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - Amended in 59th EC
  • Rules/Regulations of the University
  • Admission Rules
    Regulations for conduct of the meetings of the Court of the University
    Regulations for conduct of the meetings of the Executive Council of the University
    Regulations for conduct of the meetings of the Academic Council of the University